Club Bylaws

Doing Right by the Cascade Brewers Society

SECTION I The Basics

Our name is the Cascade Brewers Society, but we also respond to CBS and “the club.” We haven’t figured out a way to make money at what we’re doing, so we are a non-profit association. We can mostly be found in Lane County, Oregon. And these are the closest things to rules we have.


We like making beer and we do it for our own enjoyment and edification. We want to share that with others who might have an interest in brewing, brewing history and the many styles of beer made around the world. On occasion, we also like staging brewing competitions or entering those put on by others. Simply put, it’s our hobby.

SECTION III What We Don’t Do

Just because we like making beer doesn’t mean we’re reckless, criminals or unable to do the right thing. In all our activities we not only practice but expect responsible behavior when it comes to the consumption of alcohol.

SECTION IV Philosophy

We’re hobbyists, not bureaucrats. We don’t care for procedures or nitpickery. Therefore, we agree to an informal governance arrangement in which authority for decisions on club business is vested with the club President and Executive Committee in the manner to be described in this document.

SECTION V Fearless Leaders

The club will have four officers: the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They will serve on the Executive Committe, which shall have a minimum of five members but can be expanded to a maximum of 11, at the committee’s discretion.

SECTION VI Choosing Fearless Leaders

We understand that most members aren’t particularly interested in doing all the nitty-gritty that goes into club activities, including deciding which poor schmuck gets stuck with all the work. So selection of officers and Executive Committee members will be done informally without a vote. Generally, it will be a matter of finding a victim, er, candidate and convincing him or her to do it and then heaving a big sigh of relief. We don’t pretend to be a democracy. In the unlikely circumstance that the decision becomes contentious and it is necessary to settle the matter formally, the selection of officers will be by vote of the Executive Committee.

SECTION VII Taking Care of Business

Authority to make decisions about how the spend the club’s meager resources, who to appoint to various tasks, what sort of programs to undertake and any other club business is given to the President. But to ensure against dictatorship or the abuse of club resources, the President shall be required to obtain the consent of at least two other Executive Committee members before taking any action involving the spending of club funds, use of other club resources or commitment of club members. A record of all actions undertaken by the President independently shall be made and submitted to the Secretary on the same day that the action is taken. Also, all such actions must be reported to the full Executive Committee at the first meeting following the action. The Executive Committee can overrule the President’s action by majority vote of members present.

SECTION VIII Meetings, etc.

Only one meeting is required: an annual business meeting held in January. This will include the selection of officers and Executive Committee members and any other club business brought forward by the club leadership, including setting the amount of annual dues, reporting on the club’s finances and discussion of club activities for the year. Minutes of this meeting will be kept by the club Secretary and submitted in writing at the next club meeting. Club members may raise issues to be discussed at future meetings. Other meetings will be called by the President or Executive Committee as needed. Notice for meetings will be by e-mail at least 5 (five) days before the meeting date. Regular mail notices may be requested, but those notices may not arrive timely. Action at meetings may be taken only if a minimum of three Executive Committee members are present, and except as otherwise noted in this document, a majority vote of Executive Committee members present is required for approval.

SECTION IX Membership

Membership in the Cascade Brewers Society is relatively painless. You attend a meeting or two as a guest, get an existing member to sponsor your membership and pay a full year’s dues (even if there’s not a full year left). Dues covers the membership of all members of a household of legal drinking age living under the same roof. Also, you (and all household members taking part in club activities) must sign “The Pledge,” indicating your understanding of club expectations regarding the responsible use of alcohol and assuming all responsibility for your actions. And finally, all members are expected to lend a hand by helping out at one or more club meeting, event or activity by serving as a host, organizing a workshop, volunteering for clean-up or some such other contribution. Drinking beer does not constitute help.

SECTION X Membership, Part 2

The Executive Committee can place a moratorium on new memberships if it determines that such action is in the club’s best interest. If, during your tenure as a member, you achieve the brewing equivalent of rock-star status, you might be awarded a lifetime membership, which means you don’t have to pay dues anymore. This can only be done by a vote of the general membership at an annual meeting in which at least half of all members are present.


If a member’s behavior is of such an offensive or abusive character that your continued presence at club events is deemed detrimental, that member may be either suspended or permanently expelled. It takes a majority of vote of the Executive Committee to do either, and the vote must be taken at a meeting after notice of the action has been given to the member in question. In the case of suspension, the committee will decide the length of suspension from club activities. In the case of expulsion, no dues will be refunded.

SECTION XII Expectations

Members recognize that participation in Cascade Brewers Society activities is entirely voluntary. Participation in these activities may involve the consumption of alcoholic beverages which may affect perception and reactions. Members will accept individual responsibility for their conduct and behavior. The Cascade Brewers Society will neither assume nor accept responsibility for an individual’s actions. Also, members agree that driving while intoxicated is a serious violation of law and of expected behavior at club events and agree that they will find alternate transportation if they are unable to safely and legally operate a motor vehicle. Members agree they alone are responsible for their actions before, during and after club events, including, but not limited to, decisions about driving after consuming alcoholic beverages and waive any claim, legal or otherwise, against the club and its members, hosts and guests stemming from formal or informal club activities.


Sooner or later, someone is going to want to change things. Helpful suggestions are encouraged, and any member is welcome to put his or her name forward for a position as an officer or Executive Committee member, subject to the selection rules described above, to take part in decision-making. Otherwise, changing these rules requires a vote of a majority of the Executive Committee, regardless of the number of committee members actually present, at a meeting in which proper notification has been made. Members may submit suggested changes in writing to the Executive Committee, which shall consider them at the next meeting.


The Treasurer shall keep the books of the club and report on its finances at the annual meetings and at other meetings as requested by the President or Executive Committee. Also, we don’t intend to live forever, so should the Cascade Brewers Society ever be dissolved or cease to exist, its financial assets remaining after payment of all debts and liabilities shall be conveyed to the Glen Hay Falconer Foundation. In the event the Glen Hay Falconer Foundation is no longer in existence or has lost its non-profit status, club assets shall be distributed to a non-profit entity that is organized and operated exclusively for scientific, educational or community service purposes and has established its tax-exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code and the Revenue and Taxation Code. Priority shall be given to brewing-oriented educational organizations. The remaining real property of the Cascade Brewers Society shall be made available to other home brewing organizations established in the State of Oregon.